success is wonderful...
Trina Gray
Have you ever accomplished something you weren’t so sure you could do? It’s exciting! It’s incredible! It’s amazing! The work you did opened more doors than you ever thought possible. But, it also teased the opportunity of even more doors that you’d never thought possible.
but it's also hell.
Joe De Sena
Spartan Race Founder
Maybe, just maybe, as you peeked out into what could be and admitted to yourself: “I might want more.” Instead of success bringing you happiness, it handed you an increased hunger, a faster pace, bigger goals. And with that increased hunger, faster pace, and bigger goals also came uncertainty, self-doubt, burnout, anxiety… stress.
success is wonderhell.
Alex Ferreira
Olympic Silver Medalist
We think of success as a final destination, but it’s not. Wonderhell teaches us that success is merely an inflection point along the way. It exists in the present, between the blur of the past and the ever-looming blur of the future. How do we shut out imposter syndrome and rise into our potential instead?